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Delarue-Picard 1885

Delarue-Picard 1885 opend their doors in 1984 in Paris. This was after they took over a small company. This small company was named: La Compagnie Du Vent Du Nord. This small company was the publisher of characters from Goldheider (1885).

La Compagnie Du Vent Du Nord was the distributor of Canal+ and was holding licenses from, among others, Warner Bros and Walt Disney. A lot of their products were destroyd.

Delarue-Picard and Walt Disney

Delarue-Picard created all kind of statues. For Walt Disney they created the following 6 different statues:

In 1992 Delareu-Picard closed their doors. They started over in 1994 under the name Statuco. In 1996 they closed their doors permantly.

Demons and Merveilles

Later on a few statues where re-created by the brand Demons and Merveilles. The following statues came back in production:

Demons and Merveilles also re-created the statue of Donald Duck driving his 313. But for this statue they created a new design.

Delarue-Picard 1885 in license of Walt Disney

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